We are beyond excited to announce the launch of our NEW diamond shape – Lab-Grown Crisscut Clover. This is our latest addition to the Neon Lab Grown collection. We can’t wait to see it all come to life! Fashion jewelry just got a whole different look and uniqueness factor!! 💎
#newdiamondshape #crisscutcloverdiamond #uniquediamonds #biggerandbettercrisscut #crisscut #oneofakind #madeinnewyork #bestjeweler #fashionjewelry #fashiondiamond #labgrowndiamond #labgrowndiamonds …
Forever Starts Here: Unveil Love's Brilliance with Lab-Grown Crisscut Lab-Grown diamond engagement ring 💍
#biggerandbettercrisscut #crisscut #oneofakind #madeinnewyork #bestjeweler #engagementring #weddinginspo #biggerisbetter #shesaidyes #engagement #shinebrightlikeadiamond #labgrowndiamond …
Experience Christopher's magical artistry and meticulous attention to detail in this exclusive, extraordinary ring designed for a truly special client. Capturing her essence, he crafted a romantic masterpiece to celebrate life's precious moments. 💎
#biggerandbettercrisscut #christopherdesigns #oneofakind #madeinnewyork #bestjeweler #finejewelry #AttentionToDetail #UnveilingMagic #CelebrateLove #ExtraordinaryMasterpiece #TimelessBeauty #RomanticJourney #CherishedMoments …
Tanzanite is a birthstone for December and believe or not this gemstone is more rare than diamonds. The gemstone was created millions of years ago in Tanzania. We find them with very little purple hint of color which makes it even more unique. Which design is your favorite? 💙
#biggerandbettercrisscut #christopherdesigns #oneofakind #madeinnewyork #bestjeweler #fashionjewelry #gemstones #tanzanitenecklace #tanzanite #cocktailring #birthstone #decemberbirthstone …
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call us: 800.955.0970
50 West 47th Street
Suite 1507
New York, NY 10036